Proposal (need editing in order # 618335

Proposal (need editing in order # 618335

Paper details:

got my research proposal done from speedy paper for which the order number was 618335, for that i have now received feedback from my teacher and i want the revision of the proposal i already have (Order# 618335) from the same writer, i am attaching all the documents required including the old question and answer, please read the file “Assessment 02 Final proposal” and edit the proposal considering that and the feedback thanks.
Feedback from the teacher

“you need to beef up your literature and extract your R. questions and objectives right from it. That would allow you to come up with stronger methodology section and provide detail of your proposed research design and possible outcome which is not about specific details but rather the direction. For example, you do not tell us what exact numbers you expect from increased advertising. You just tell us that you expect to learn whether advertising will possibly affect the sales. That is our class example. Also, you need to elaborate more on data collection and data analysis”

Attached 3 files

1. Assessment 01 initial proposal
This was the question for the initial proposal

2. (Answer Assessment 01) Order 618335_Inflation and unemployment
This was the answer to assessment 1 I received from speedy paper.

3. Assessment 02 final proposal
Please consider this file and the feedback copied above while making this order.

Posted in essay.