Protecting Our Freedom of Speech in a Flat, Digital World

Protecting Our Freedom of Speech in a Flat, Digital World

Paper details:

Protecting Our Freedom of Speech in a Flat, Digital World

Review how censorship and other limitations may be imposed that restrict your ability to effectively have true freedom of speech online. After you have reviewed the articles and have an understanding of how the laws affect online realities, discuss how these topics are related to the Canadian context. Examine the issue of preserving our fundamental right to freedom of speech (aside from those protections that are provided for in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms).
You should use the articles below as your starting point:

EFF and Scholars Tell the Texas Supreme Court: No Second Class Status for the First Amendment Online

Think twice before writing that online review – it could land you in court

Compose a 1250-1500 word essay, using a short essay format. The rubric you will be evaluated against is attached below.
Things to Help You with the Essay Format:
It’s a short essay in response to the topic question. Essay should be written in a clear and concise fashion, and must follow APA Guidelines.

Reading & Resources might help:

– “Who decides?” Security and Privacy in the Wild

– Markets for Zero-Day Exploits: Ethics and Implications

– Access to the Internet Is a Human Right

For the reference, it doesn’t have to be 5. It could be more or less.

Posted in essay.