Reflective Discourse

Length:800 words ±10% (excluding title page)
This assessment task relates to course learning outcomes numbers 1 to 6.
Before starting this assessment read the marking criteria (below) and information about academic writing on the Academic Learning Centre (ALC) website: (Choose the ‘Academic Communication’ door.)
The course website also provides useful information in regard to the development of this assessment item. In particular, you must read the Assignment Writing Requirements document on the course website. This document outlines course specific assignment requirements in some detail.
The primary purpose of this assessment task is to help focus student attention on the discipline of Operations Management and provide an opportunity to reflect on how the discipline relates to jobs and careers in management.
The secondary purpose of this assignment is to give students an early opportunity to develop generic academic writing skills within the framework of reflective discourse. This paper should be written in first person language.
Choose a topic that interests you from one of the ten to be covered from week 3 to week 12 (see the course schedule in the Course Profile).
Write a brief description of your understanding of what the topic is about, and how formal study of this topic will help you develop professional skills appropriate to your current or future job. (Hint, choose a topic that is not too familiar to you but you think will be useful).
No research or references are required for this assessment item as it is designed to encourage you to reflect on the course and what you think will be of value to you.
You may wish to refer to the course learning outcomes to provide some structure to your discussion.
Assessment item 1 – Marking criteria for reflective discourse
Assignments will be assessed on the extent to which they meet each of the following criteria:
Does your reflective discourse demonstrate:
Clear understanding of the nature of the topic chosen?
appropriate application of the topic area to professional practice?
a level of self-reflective practice appropriate to managerial work?
effective use of Australian English?
Presentation and computer skills appropriate for managerial work?

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