Reflective report
Order Description
Details about the event
The Residential Weekend is a vital and integral component of the Managers and Organisations module. Students usually find it hard work at the same time as being very enjoyable.
Dates: Friday 23 October 2015 (18.00) – Sunday 25 October 2015 (approx 14.00)
We begin with dinner on the Friday and depart after lunch on the Sunday.
Location: Latimer Place Conference Centre, Chesham
Directions: go to Chalfont & Latimer station on the underground Metropolitan Line from Baker Street, take a taxi (approx £5) (Driving directions will be made available, it is just north of the M25 in Buckinghamshire)
What the students pay: travel costs, ‘bar bill’. No fee for the weekend or the hotel accommodation and meals.
What the students do: exercises that will provide learning experiences on which to reflect for assignment 1. Please note that we are not specific about the activities in advance as part of the learning experience is coming to grips with the unexpected.
Please note that students should make every effort to attend the residential weekend. They should only miss it if they have a compelling reason.
A straightforward and logical presentation including:
Description of each learning situation
Analysis of the learning process using relevant theory
Learning theory should be used additionally to theory on the activity
Balanced evaluation of the learning outcome(s)
Reflection on the use to which the learning may be put, both in general and in relation to your personal development as a manager
Reference list, including all your research sources
As an Appendix: your Response to Formative Feedback (see Formative Assessment).
(Please note that Reports without this Response will lose 5 marks.)
List of activities
1) this activity involved Who owns the zebra? A group of students with same question but different points under the question and solution was to be found out by combining all the points. The tough part being we could not write anything and could not see each others points but only could speak and we needed to remember so many points at one time that made the thing harder. We were to solve in 1 hour. More details in attachment below.
2) The second out of the 5 activities which i choose is that in which we were made to sit on a round table but our backs towards each other. I was not allowed to speak but allowed to write. Give equal playing cards each and was told solve the puzzle. Question isn’t told so that was the hard part. Started with a fun note if were were to play some game or something. But then it stricken that may be some card is missing. And circulated 2 papers from each side as we were only allowed to send messages through our adjacent partners.
One paper being How many cards each of you have please write and making heading of each type that is spade heart diamond and other and please write all your number below each headings. So this the crack of the activity as 4 Jacks were missing. Best thing was this was verified with other person too and we were the first group to complete the task in 10 min out of given 1 hour assigned. Played a Leader, kept calm and good brainstorming.