Review of the Literature. Benefits and Risks of Mutual Funds

Review of the Literature. Benefits and Risks of Mutual Funds

Order Description

completed my synthesis outline , now kindly refer to the document instructions titled “Review of the Literature Assignment Description” for instructions. I will provide you with sample of Review of the Literature titled ” The accounting treatment of intagibles” and “Management accounting practices in selected Asian countries” .This assignment is expected to be 1800 words. I might provide further supplemental document that might be helpful.
The Introduction looks good based on the outline , but please refer to the introduction draft I wrote . In ” move 2 “you need to explain the research exigence , which is what I highlighted.
In terms of the conclusion. Below is the instructions of How to write a conclusion :-
1) Answer your research question in a few sentences
2) Explain how your new offering addresses the exigency ( how does this serve your audience (
3) Offer suggestions for future researchers and explain why you think that’s a smart direction for research

Posted in essay.