SCI 219 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric

As the final project for this course, you will complete a virtual gallery walk poster. You will select a single topic pertaining to the material covered in this course
(for example: any of the primary chapter topics in Modules One through Eight). You may want to review past modules, PowerPoints, and your textbook for
further ideas. The final submission will occur in Module Seven.
Your task is to prepare a single-slide poster using Microsoft PowerPoint (eventually converting it to a PDF document) that visually illustrates your topic. Use
photos (being sure to cite the source), graphs, tables, text, and anything else that helps you to graphically explain the issue. There must be some text written in
paragraph form to explain your topic. Construct your poster in such a way that someone who has almost no technical background or knowledge can understand
the key takeaways from it. Once you create the poster in PowerPoint, you must convert it to a PDF file (if you have questions about saving a PowerPoint 2007 or
2010 slide to a PDF document, and post it to the discussion board). Post a PDF of your poster to Blackboard, writing your full name in the subject line and naming
your file with your last name (yourlastname.pdf).
Here are some examples of posters created in the past:
? Rain Gardens as a Means to Control Stormwater Run-Off at the Galloway Municipal Complex
? Regional Surveying of Canadian Arctic Offshore Basins for Potential Natural Oil Seeps Using Satellite Radar
? Water-Related Triggering Mechanisms of Shallow Landslides: Numerical Modeling of Hydraulic Flows in Slopes Verified With Field Experiments
In this final project assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:
? Demonstrate a sound scientific background for what processes are necessary to support life on planet Earth
? Demonstrate the ability to assess the social, economical, environmental, and ethical impacts of new scientific and technological advancements
? Demonstrate the ability to distinguish between “sound” and “junk” science

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