Server Installation

Server Installation

Paper details:

Unit 2 Assignment
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
• Plan a Windows Server 2012 installation.
• Work with Windows Server Core.
• Explore the use of Features on Demand.

Unit Assignments include short essay, descriptive tables, and screen captures demonstrating the configuration
and use of the Windows Server 2012/R2 software.
Documents should be submitted using APA Style (use double line spacing with a title page and a reference
page). Essays should be separated into sections by the Assignment Part number and the question number.
Unit 2 Assignment: Part 1
1. In a ½ page essay describe the hardware considerations required for the installation of Windows Server
2012/R2. Include recommendations for CPU, RAM, Disk(s), and virtualization.
2. In a brief table show at least five steps you would include in the planning, installation and configuration of the
first server on a new network. Label your five steps in order and include post-installation configuration tasks.
3. In a short essay explain what you would do if you installed the wrong edition.
4. Server Core is listed first on the list “Select the operating system you want to install.” In a brief comparison,
discuss at least four pros and cons for selecting to install Server Core.
Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT278 Unit: 2
Copyright Kaplan University
5. In a short essay outline the technology “Features on Demand.” What are two examples of features you
would want to remove and why?

Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT278 Unit: 2
Copyright Kaplan University
Unit 2 Assignment
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
• Plan a Windows Server 2012 installation.
• Work with Windows Server Core.
• Explore the use of Features on Demand.
Course outcome(s) practiced in this unit
IT278-1: Examine the features, editions, roles and installation methods of a network operating system. (2 weeks)
You will have two parts to the Assignment in this unit that will be submitted as one file through the Dropbox.
Unit Assignments include short essay, descriptive tables, and screen captures demonstrating the configuration and use of the Windows Server 2012/R2 software.
Documents should be submitted using APA Style (use double line spacing with a title page and a reference page). Essays should be separated into sections by the Assignment Part number and the question number.
Unit 2 Assignment: Part 1
1. In a ½ page essay describe the hardware considerations required for the installation of Windows Server 2012/R2. Include recommendations for CPU, RAM, Disk(s), and virtualization.
2. In a brief table show at least five steps you would include in the planning, installation and configuration of the first server on a new network. Label your five steps in order and include post-installation configuration tasks.
3. In a short essay explain what you would do if you installed the wrong edition.
4. Server Core is listed first on the list “Select the operating system you want to install.” In a brief comparison, discuss at least four pros and cons for selecting to install Server Core.
Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT278 Unit: 2
Copyright Kaplan University
5. In a short essay outline the technology “Features on Demand.” What are two examples of features you would want to remove and why?
Unit 2 Assignment: Part 2
Toolwire Web-based Lab Assignment
Select the Toolwire link under Course Home. Select the Unit 2 Lab Assignment and follow the instructions. Demonstrate completion of the Unit 2 Lab Assignment by briefly answering the questions and submitting the screen captures as Part 2 of your Unit 2 Assignment.
NOTE: The Unit 2 Learning Activity you completed previously allowed you to practice hands-on configuration.
Part 2: Web-Based Lab Assignment and Screen Captures Follow the instructions in the Unit 2 Lab Assignment on the Toolwire website.
Refer to rubric below.
Unit 2 Assignment = 50 points
Assignment Criteria
Points possible
Points earned by student
Part 1: Essay Questions and Tables
1. In a ½ page essay describe the hardware considerations required for the installation of Windows Server 2012/R2. Include recommendations for CPU, RAM, Disk(s), and virtualization. 0 – 7
2. In a brief table show at least five steps you would include in the planning, installation and configuration of the first server on a new network. Label your five steps in order and include post-installation configuration tasks. 0 – 10
3. In a short essay explain what you would do if you installed the wrong edition. 0 – 3
4. Server Core is listed first on the list “Select the operating system you want to install.” In a brief comparison, discuss at least four pros and cons for selecting to install Server Core. 0 – 8
5. In a short essay outline the technology “Features on Demand.” What are two examples of features you would want to remove and why? 0 – 7
Part 2: Web-Based Lab Assignment and Screen Captures
Assignment Grading Rubric
Course: IT278 Unit: 2
Copyright Kaplan University
Part 2.1 Follow the Unit 2 Lab Assignment instructions (take a screen capture) 0 – 5
Part 2.2 Follow the Unit 2 Lab Assignment instructions (take a screen capture) 0 – 5
Part 2.3 Follow the Unit 2 Lab Assignment instructions (take a screen capture) 0 – 5
Total (Sum of all points) 0 – 50
Less deduction taken for spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Plagiarism is totally unacceptable.
New total after deductions

Posted in essay.