Should prostitution be de-criminalized in the U.S?

Should prostitution be de-criminalized in the U.S?

Paper details:

Essay Question: Should prostitution be de-criminalized in the U.S?

Research Assignment: Research two different perspectives on the topic, adequately discussing both perspectives, and developing your own argument in response to these perspectives.

Instructions: Compose a eight full page essay that includes an introduction (including a thesis) and enough body paragraphs to fulfill the page requirement. You must include at least one quote from eight different sources (including at least one book and three academic journals)and analyze them. The essay will include both expositional passages (indicating a few of the main points of a particular perspective) and analytical passage built around the critical discussion of both perspectives. Include a correct works cited list at the end of essay. Strive to be as grammatically correct as possible.

Please be sure to include quotes for each body paragraphs from each works cited that I wrote below and write citation in the parenthesis.
Works Cited
1. Widom, C. S. and Kuhns, J. B. Childhood victimization and subsequent risk for promiscuity, prostitution, and teenage pregnancy: A prospective study. American Journal of Public Health. November 1996. Academic Article.

2. Vandepitte, J. Lyerla, R. Dallabetta, G. Crabbe, F. Alary, M. and Buve, A. Estimates of the number of female sex workers in different regions of the world. British Medical Journal, Jun 2006. Academic Article.

3. Ayalew,T. and Berhane, Y. Child prostitution: Magnitude and related problems. Ethiopian Medical Journal. Europe PMC, 2000.Academic Article.

4. Ringdal, Nils Johan. Love for Sale: A world history of prostitution. New York. Grove Press, 2004. Book

5. Should prostitution be legal? 21 August. 2013. <> Web.

6. Davidson, Julia O’connell.The rights and wrongs of prostitution. Hypatia, 2002.

7. Farley, Kelly. Prostitution: A critical review of the medical and social sciences literature. Women and Criminal Justice, 2000. <> Web.

8. Jenness, Valerie. From sex as sin to sex as work: COYOTE and the reorganization of prostitution as a social problem. Social Problems,1990. Article.

9. Edlund, Lena, and Korn, Evelyn. A theory of prostitution. Journal of Political Economy, 2002. <>

10. Erickson, Patricia G, Butters, Jennifer, Butters, and McGillycuddy, Patti. Crack and prostitution: Gender, myths, and experiences. Journal of Drug Issues, 2000, Web.

11. Phoenix, Jo. Regulating prostitution: Different problems, different solutions, same old story. Community Safety Journal, February 2007, Web.

12. Raymond, Janice. G. Prostitution as violence against women: NGO stonewalling in Beijing and elsewhere. Coalition Against Trafficking In Women, July 20,1998.Web.
Essay Question: Should prostitution be de-criminalized in the U.S?

Research Project Assignment: Research two different perspectives on the topic, adequately discussing both perspectives, and developing your own argument in response to these perspectives.

Instructions: Compose a eight full page essay that includes an introduction (including a thesis) and enough body paragraphs to fulfill the page requirement. You must include at least one quote from eight different sources (including at least one book and three academic journals). The essay will include both expositional passages (indicating a few of the main points of a particular perspective) and analytical passage built around the critical discussion of both perspectives. Include a correct works cited list at the end of essay. Strive to be as grammatically correct as possible.

Please be sure to include quotes for each body paragraphs from each works cited that I wrote below and write citation in the parenthesis.
Works Cited
1. Widom, C. S. and Kuhns, J. B. Childhood victimization and subsequent risk for promiscuity, prostitution, and teenage pregnancy: A prospective study. American Journal of Public Health. November 1996. Academic Article.

2. Vandepitte, J. Lyerla, R. Dallabetta, G. Crabbe, F. Alary, M. and Buve, A. Estimates of the number of female sex workers in different regions of the world. British Medical Journal, Jun 2006. Academic Article.

3. Ayalew,T. and Berhane, Y. Child prostitution: Magnitude and related problems. Ethiopian Medical Journal. Europe PMC, 2000.Academic Article.

4. Ringdal, Nils Johan. Love for Sale: A world history of prostitution. New York. Grove Press, 2004. Book

5. Should prostitution be legal? 21 August. 2013. <> Web.

6. Davidson, Julia O’connell.The rights and wrongs of prostitution. Hypatia, 2002.

7. Farley, Kelly. Prostitution: A critical review of the medical and social sciences literature. Women and Criminal Justice, 2000. <> Web.

8. Jenness, Valerie. From sex as sin to sex as work: COYOTE and the reorganization of prostitution as a social problem. Social Problems,1990. Article.

9. Edlund, Lena, and Korn, Evelyn. A theory of prostitution. Journal of Political Economy, 2002. <>

10. Erickson, Patricia G, Butters, Jennifer, Butters, and McGillycuddy, Patti. Crack and prostitution: Gender, myths, and experiences. Journal of Drug Issues, 2000, Web.

11. Phoenix, Jo. Regulating prostitution: Different problems, different solutions, same old story. Community Safety Journal, February 2007, Web.

12. Raymond, Janice. G. Prostitution as violence against women: NGO stonewalling in Beijing and elsewhere. Coalition Against Trafficking In Women, July 20,1998.Web.

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