Social media in pharmaceutical Industry in Portugal

Social media in pharmaceutical Industry in Portugal

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Make these small but important changes and move on to chapter 2

Ch 2. LITERATURE REVIEW (Approximately 25% of total word count)
Analytical review of contemporary (this means mainly post 2010) ACADEMIC literature (predominantly journal articles) specifically related to the research question. Use the electronic journals library & Google Scholar. Use sub-headings as appropriate to make things easy to follow.

Your chapter needs a ½ page introduction to tell the reader the content of the chapter – before you begin the debate. You also need a ½ page summary at the end to remind the reader what they have just read.

You need to be writing 2-3 paragraphs per page, with multiple sources used in each paragraph. Here’s an example of a snippet from a literature review:

The role of narrative and stories is becoming increasingly recognised within organisational studies as a means of understanding a range of phenomena (Brown et al., 2009; Hawkins and Saleem, 2012). In particular, narrative is informing both conceptualisations of identity, and methods of researching it. A narrative conceptualisation of identity proposes that identity is storytelling (McAdams, 2008): identity is the self as reflexively understood by a person in terms of their biography (Giddens, 2015) and the ability to sustain, develop and adapt a narrative over time to provide a sense of unity and purpose (Mallett and Wapshott, 2012; Watson, 2012; Watson, 2009). A narrative theory of identity also emphasises the role of narrative as an essential form of socialisation. Individuals learn how to speak and act in social situations by learning to tell stories in forms which are recognisable to others (Czarniawska, 2014; Riessman, 2008), both common narrative trajectories such as a ‘beginning’, a ‘low point’, a ‘climax’ and an ‘ending’ (Ashforth et al., 2016; Gergen, 2011) and locally prescribed forms (Gubrium and Holstein, 2011).

You need to engage with the material to tell the reader a story, not just present things as unconnected facts. And, don’t cite the same few authors too many times …!

Posted in essay.