PROJECT DESCRIPTIONStatistics is about more than calculations. It is about turning data into information and using this information to understand the population. A statistician will be asked to help solve real-world problems by designing a study, collecting data, analyzing the data, and writing up the results. As a final project, you will be asked to do something similar. Though the design and data collection will be done for you, you will be asked to analyze the data using the appropriate tests (ensuring the data are distributed normally) and write up the results, using statistical evidence to support your findings. Lastly, you will be asked to include recommendations, that is, apply the results to solve the real world problem.
In your paper, explain why you chose each statistical test, figure, or procedure.
The Problem
Due to financial hardship, the Nyke Shoe Company feels they only need to make one size of shoes, regardless of gender or height. They have collected data on gender, shoe size, and height and have asked you to tell them if they can change their business model to include only one size of shoes—regardless of height or gender of the wearer. In no more than 5–10 pages (including figures), explain your recommendations, using statistical evidence to support your findings. The data found are given in the following table.
Shoe Size Height Gender
5.00 63.00 Female
7.50 70.00 Female
9.00 70.00 Female
7.00 64.00 Male
11.00 72.00 Male
12.00 72.00 Male
14.00 76.00 Male
7.00 66.00 Female
7.50 71.00 Female
8.00 68.00 Female
10.50 71.00 Male
11.00 71.00 Male
6.50 65.00 Female
7.00 67.00 Female
7.50 70.00 Female
10.00 69.00 Male
12.00 69.00 Male
6.50 65.00 Female
10.50 72.00 Male
12.00 73.00 Male
6.00 60.00 Female
6.50 64.00 Female
10.00 72.00 Female
9.50 69.00 Male
11.50 70.00 Male
14.00 75.00 Male
6.50 63.00 Female
13.50 77.00 Male
7.00 68.00 Female
9.50 68.00 Male
13.00 72.00 Male
11.00 73.00 Male
6.00 62.00 Female
7.00 66.00 Female
7.50 70.00 Female
Only use results in the paper. You may show your work in an appendix, if you would like.
The following links can be very helpful for you to prepare and write your final project paper.
• OWL (Online Writing Lab) at Purdue University
• Writer’s Handbook, the Writing Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison
• APA Guidelines
• DASL (The Data and Story Library that provides interesting data for statistical analyses.)
• Guidelines to working on a statistical project