Summary Of a Research Paper

Summary Of a Research Paper

1. This paper is a Paper Summary of research paper called “ICAM-2 facilitates luminal interactions between neutrophils and endothelial cells in vivo”. This paper will be attached in the file.

2. Instructions to the paper/ different paragraphs.

– Background and Central Goal/hypothesis for the paper

– Overall summary of the research findings of the paper. Must demonstrate your understanding of the paper as a whole. Discuss each of the figures/ tablet in the paper and explain the basic goal and findings for each. Do not simply restate the figure legends. Write figure and tablet number to separate them from each other. Look at sample summery for demonstration.

– Limitations of the paper

– Suggestions for future experiments to make this paper better

Limintation and suggested future experiments combine should be only one page

Please label each section to separate them out.

Sources: paper that is attached to the Order and one outside source

Label and separate each paragraphs. Start paper without any paper citation style or name. Please label each section.

Posted in essay.