Task 1: Develop a written sustainability policy (1500 words)This task requires you to develop workplace sustainability policies and procedures for Bounce Fitness.
The following documents for Bounce Fitness can be used as background information:
• Mission, Vision and Values statement
• Purchasing plan policy
• Purchasing plan procedures
Your assessment must address each of the below tasks:
a. Define the scope of the sustainability policy for Bounce Fitness. When defining the scope, examine the scope of Bounce Fitness’ mission, vision and value statement against the criteria listed below:
• Minimizing resource use
• Increasing resource efficiency
• Reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use
• Employing lifecycle management approaches
• Continuous improvement
As a result of this analysis outline the scope and provide justification for your answer.
b. Make a table of relevant federal and state/territory environmental and sustainability legislation to ensure the scope of the policy is adequate to accommodate legislative requirements.
c. Given that Bounce Fitness is in the fitness and wellness industry, identify external information sources that could help in planning and developing the sustainability policy. List these sources and provide a brief explanation of the type of useful information that each source could provide.
d. Identify internal and external stakeholders affected by the policy and explain what influence each may have in planning and developing the sustainability policy.
e. Include appropriate strategies in the policy to address the relevant criteria identified in section (a) (i.e. minimizing resource use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use, employing life cycle management approaches, and continuous improvement).
f. Prepare a brief to present to managers that explains how the sustainability policy will benefit the organization.
g. Select one of the sustainability strategies identified in question (e) and develop procedures for its implementation. The procedures should include:
• Agreed outcomes
• Performance indicators
• Activities to be undertaken
• Assigned responsibilities
• Record-keeping, review and improvement processes.
h. Review the Bounce Fitness purchasing plan policy and procedures and prepare a revised version of the policy and procedure that incorporates consideration of suppliers’ sustainability credentials, e.g. use packaging made from renewable resources rather than non-renewable resources.
i. Identify implementation methods.
Task 2 –Presentation: Communicate the Workplace Sustainability Policy (500 words)
This task requires you to communicate your policy to other members of staff within your organization.
Scenario: Based on your task 1 developed policy, now you must communicate your policy to the other staff members. Prepare a newsletter that you will send to all members of staff and outlining how you propose to:
• Promote your workplace sustainability policy including expected outcomes (if possible, include examples of how you will promote the policy)
• Inform those involved in implementing the policy as to outcomes expected, activities to be undertaken and responsibilities assigned.
You can include the key responsibilities of personnel, for instance:
Managers: raising awareness, reporting progress, rectifying breaches, implementing
Staffs: Following policy accordingly, participating in all environmental activities
The newsletter needs to clearly detail the expected outcomes in a way that encouraged “buy in”, clearly detail promotional activities to encourage staff “buy in”, as well as clearly detail responsibilities of each accountability personnel.