The provision of constructive feedback

The provision of constructive feedback
Order Description
This is a proposal to be written at level 7. All references should be uk based, with reference where appropriate to the NMC code 2015.

The word count is 1500 words.

Written in Microsoft word for electronic submission.

Page numbered and student ID, Course code and cohort on each page. Harvard Referenced

My ID is TRO04017470
Course code NUR9002M
Cohort 04/16

Subject specific learning outcomes – Level 7 (Postgraduate)
1. Critically evaluate and perform the role of mentor demonstrating the achievement of the mentorship standards of the professional body.
2. Critically explore the learning needs of students evaluating the role of the clinical learning environment on student performance
3. Critically analyse and evaluate the essential skills, knowledge and attributes of mentors to support learning in practice
4. Critically evaluate the role of mentor in the assessment of clinical competency analysing and implementing the evidence base in practice

Candidates studying at masters level must submit a 1500 word proposal
as to how they could improve their learning environment and/or the mentorship therein. The
proposal will indicate further evidence of the achievement of the mentor domains and should
be mapped to indicate which competencies this relates to.

This proposal aspect is academically marked at Undergraduate Degree Level (6) , or Postgraduate
level (7) and so should be written in an effective literary style, with the support of relevant
theoretical concepts, appropriate literature and research. A reference list is required and should be
included at the end of the portfolio. To make the most of your proposal you must read and use the
School of Health and Social Care academic writing guidance which will be available to you at the
commencement of the programme.
The proposal should be structured with an introduction (following your SWOT analysis), which
highlights your intentions, to develop an aspect of your learning environment and which NMC
mentor Domain/s this relates to.
The main body of your proposal should critically analyse/evaluate your key points with an effective
literary style approriate to your selected level, with clear definition of topic and a logical structure.
Relevance/ application to practice with the use of supporting literature/synthesis and evidence of
wide reading and effective referencing is essential to support your discussions. Conclusions should
be drawn in light of this discussion.

My swot analysis highlights the importance and difficulty of providing constructive criticism, and my proposal should reflect this.

Reading List
Successful mentoring in nursing – Liz Aston, Paula Hallam 2014
Clinical supervision and mentorship in nursing – Tony Butterworth, Jean Faugier, Philip Burnard 1998

The nurse mentor’s companion – Kim Craig, Barbara Smith 2015
Mentoring nursing and healthcare students – David Kinnell, Philip Hughes 2010

The nurse mentor’s handbook: supporting students in clinical practice – Danny Walsh 2014 (book; ebook)
Online Resource

Criterion-referenced definitions for rating scales in clinical evaluation – K.N. Bondy 1983
Online Resource

Theories of learning – Learning and teaching briefing paper series – Lee Dunn 2002
Online Resource

NMC circular – sign off mentor criteria – Nursing and Midwifery Council 2010
Online Resource

Mentoring and supervision in healthcare – Neil Gopee 2015
Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education – Francis M. Quinn, Suzanne J. Hughes 2013 (ebook)
Online Resource

Why are nurse mentors failing to fail student nurses who do not meet clinical performance standards? – Jervis, Anne; Tilki, Mary 2011
Robert Francis at RCN: ‘nursing is both vocation and profession’. – Peter Bradley 2014
Online Resource

AMEE Guide no. 34: teaching in the clinical environment. – Subha Ramani, Sam Leinster 2008
Online Resource

Empowerment of nursing students in clinical practice: spheres of influence. – Caroline Bradbury-Jones, Fiona Irvine, Sally Sambrook 2010
Online Resource

Failing underperforming students: The role of grading in practice assessment – Vanessa Heaslip, Janet M.E. Scammell 2012
Online Resource

Constructive feedback – Lisa Dryden 13/11/2013
Online Resource

Exploring failure to fail in pre-registration nursing – James Jude Vinales 11/03/2015
Online Resource

Deciding to fail – Kathleen Duffy 2013
Assessing student nurses’ clinical skills: the ethical competence of mentors – N Gopee 2008
Online Resource

Failure to fail: assessing nursing students’ competence during practice placements – K Rutkowski 2007
Online Resource

Fitness to practice and feedback to students: A literature review – Laura Wells, Moira McLoughlin 2014
Online Resource

Exploring failure to fail in pre-registration nursing – James Jude Vinales 11/03/2015
Online Resource

Mentorship, preceptorship, and clinical supervision: three key processes for supporting midwives. – S Lennox, J Skinner, M Foureur October 2008
Online Resource

The nurse mentor’s companion – Kim Craig, Barbara Smith 2015
The practitioner as teacher – Susan M. Hinchliff 2004
Teaching, assessing and evaluation for clinical competence: a practical guide for practitioners and teachers – Mary Neary 2000

Profiles and portfolios of evidence – Ruth Pearce 2003 (book; ebook)
Online Resource

Mentorship in healthcare 2015 (book; ebook)
Online Resource

The adult learner: the definitive classic in adult education and human resource development – Malcolm S. Knowles, Elwood F. Holton, Richard A. Swanson 2015
Mentorship in healthcare 2015 (book; ebook)
Online Resource

Exploring failure to fail in pre-registration nursing – James Jude Vinales 11/03/2015
Online Resource

Additional options for achieving sign-off mentor criteria – A Glasper 2010
Online Resource

Belongingness: A montage of nursing students’ stories of their clinical placement experiences – Tracy Levett-Jones, Judith Lathlean, Margaret McMillan, Isabel Higgins 2007
Standards to support learning and assessment in practice – Nursing and Midwifery Council 2008
Online Resource

Quinn’s principles and practice of nurse education – Francis M. Quinn, Suzanne J. Hughes 2013 (ebook)
Online Resource

The Code for nurses and midwives
Online Resource

Digitisations and readings 3 items
Supporting failing students in practice 1: Assessment | Practice | Nursing Times
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Supporting failing students in practice 2: Management – Kathleen Duffy, J Hardiacre 2007
Online Resource

Integrating the 6Cs of nursing into mentorship practice. – PubMed – NCBI – K Duffy

Posted in essay.