Theory for Practice Reflection
Order Description
First all the essay should be about paramedic and how can my job play role with the essay.
Choose one key concept from module 3, weeks 9-12 (risk, emotional labour, cultural safety, or identity).
Intended audience: Future employers, professional supervisors, colleagues
Brief: This written assignment is intended as a reflective practice statement that you might be required to provide in a workplace situation. Imagine you are applying for a job in a health related profession. The essential criteria for the job include appropriate knowledge of, and commitment to, improving the wellbeing of both staff and clients and experience of reflective practice. Your job application requires you to describe a key concept that you have learnt about and that will impact your practice. You will need to explain the concept and how it relates to the future role, then reflect on how you collaborated with peers to develop group understanding of the concept.
Scope: The reflection should include the following aspects:
1. Description
• Briefly describe one key concept relating to health professional practice from weeks 9-12 (eg, risk, emotional labour, cultural safety, identity).
• Describe how your Reading Group worked together to develop a shared understanding of the concept.
2. Interpretation
• Reflect on your understanding of the concept, and how you might explain to your peers its value for health professionals.
• Reflect on the process of engaging in the Reading Group – explain the most challenging, interesting and positive aspects of the process.
3. Outcome
• How has your knowledge of health and attitude towards professional practice changed.
• Explain how you think the chosen concept will influence your future professional practice.
• Mention here what steps you would like (or need) to take to further develop your knowledge and commitment to improving the wellbeing of both future colleagues and clients.
4. References
Additional guidelines
Useful resources on reflection and reflective writing:
Hampton, M (2015) Reflective writing – an introduction. University of Portsmouth. Retrieved 19 February 16 from: support-services/ask/downloads/Reflective-writing—a-basic-intro.pdf
???McKendry S. (2015) Taking a critical approach in reflection and reflective
?assignments. Critical thinking skills for health care, Routledge, pp. 100-108.
Theory for Practice Outline:
Description (approximately 150wds) Interpretation (approximately 175wds) Outcome (approximately 175wds)
Reference list
All words in these 3 sections are counted in the word count, including in text citations 500 wds +/-10%
??This assignment does not need to include academic referencing throughout. However the ‘Description’ section should include one or two references in relation to the concept, and reference to the Group readings covered that week.
Theory for Practice Reflection
Posted in essay.