Tobacco Plain Packaging

Tobacco Plain Packaging

Order Description
This task requires you to analyse qualitative data with NVivo to investigate the politics of plain packaging for tobacco products when it was introduced. More specifically, it will require you to analyse public submissions made to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health and Ageing’s Inquiry into Tobacco Plain Packaging in 2011. For this task, you have been provided with a selection of public submissions from the Inquiry from governments,business and the not-for-profit sector

Research Question – How did the interests of organisational actors influence their contributions to the political debate on tobacco plain packaging?

Approaching the research question (use a more inventive heading here)
This section is very important because it provides the structure for the remainder of your report. Having established the relevance and significance of the research question in the literature review section, you now have to explain how you will analyse the secondary data to develop a response to the research question. Make sure that you identify your research question, explain the approach that you are taking to it, and outline the data you will be using. You might like to break your main research question up into multiple sub-questions to make it more manageable. you should explain how you will inductively analyse the
textual data. What analytic approach will you use (i.e. thematic analysis) Will your research be informed by a particular theoretical framework? Where is your data from? What type of sources are involved?
350 words

In this section, you are required to explain your response to the research question. Keep in mind that this is a ‘discussion’, which requires you to explain not merely describe your findings. Your findings do not speak for themselves – you need to outline your findings and explicitly state what their implications are for the research question. 900 words

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