Topic: A Risk-Taking Teenager

Order Description
LP1 Assignment: A Risk-Taking Teenager

This assignment is designed to assess the following competency: 1. Explore basic concepts and theories of life-span human development.

Directions: Part 1: Drawing on information and concepts from Chapters 2-3, explain why some teenagers are bigger risk takers behind the wheel of a car than others. As you consider the risk-taking teen’s behavior, think about how Freud would explain this behavior. How would Skinner or Bandura explain it? Provide a thorough explanation of the teen’s behavior from at least four (4) of the theories listed below:
• Frued’s psychosexual theory
• Erickson’s psychosocial theory
• Skinner’s behavioral theory
• Bandura’s social cognitive theory
• Piaget’s constructivism
• Bronfenbrenner’s bioecological model
• Genetic influences (e.g., shared environmental influences, and nonshared environmental influences)

As you write your answers, be sure to integrate the terminology created by each theorist. Explain the teenager’s behavior using the theory’s concepts.

PART 2: Choose one of your four explanations from Part 1. Design an experiment to test a research question from your explanation. For example, if you chose Freud’s theory to explain the teenager’s behavior, you might attribute the teen’s risk-taking behavior to having an underdeveloped superego. How would you test this theory?

Be sure to identify your hypothesis, dependent and independent variables, and describe how you will maintain experimental control.

Organize/Label your paper so it’s evident that you address each part of the assignment. Carefully edit your essay so that it is free from grammatical and punctuation errors.

Your essay should meet the following specifications:
• 2-3 pages in length
• 1 inch margins
• Times New Roman 12-point font
• Resources are cited (Go to the NAU Online Library for APA information)

Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP1 Assignment: A Risk-Taking Teenager.” This assignment is worth 80 points and will be graded according to the following scoring guide.

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