Order Description
Step 1: Pick an ad case
Case requirements:
1. A real case (you need to provide at least one piece of evidence that you did not make up the case, such as the URL link, or pictures of the ad, etc.)
2. From recent 5 years (Generally after 2010)
3. Has been released on at least 1 social media platform (Facebook ad, google ad, virtual world ad, etc). You also can choose product placement. The goal is to avoid any traditional media such as newspaper, television, radio, etc.
4. Has to be able to link to at least one issue we talked or will talk about this semester (ad that involves children, elderly, minority, gender, any controversial products, social responsibility, etc.)
For example, MSU dairy store released a video on its Facebook page [social media platform] last year [recent years] about the “heart walk” campaign they had [issue- social responsible advertising].
(*** I made this up completely just to give you an example, you will need to find a real case***)
If you are not sure about the case you picked, feel free to email me and we can discuss about it, I am pretty open with the case choice as long as it satisfies the 4 requirements above. It is ALWAYS good to pick up the case early enough so you have enough time to think about it.
Step 2: Case evaluation (where you get all of your points)
1. (4 pts) What is the ad about? Describe the ad in 1 or 2 paragraphs. Remember to describe the key requirements in detail from step 1. Include the link or pictures as appendix. [If the ad has been released on multiple social media platforms, you can either discuss one in detail, or compare the multiple platforms, but no more than 3, otherwise you probably won’t be able to get anything clear].
2. (8 pts) Pretend you are the project manager for this ad, now why do you think this particular medium platform is a good/not great fit for your client’s product/service? List all the possible reasons and explain in detail. Even if you think it was a great fit, what could be the potential risk of using this platform (that you might need a contingency plan for it)? Also talk about the possible ethical issues related to this platform if applicable.
3. (8 pts) How do you think the specific issue(s) has been handled in the ad? Why do you think the presentation of the issue(s) is a good/not great fit for your client’s product/service? List all the possible reasons and explain in detail. Even if you think the issue(s) was a great fit, what could be the potential ethical risk of including the issue(s)? [If the ad you picked presented more than 1 issue, such as a social responsible ad on children, you can either talk about 1 issue in detail, or try to cover both issues].