Order Description
This is a learning Journal
Evidence of reflection on content
2. Evidence of reflection on self
3. Evidence of reflection on process
4. Evidence of critical reflection on premises
5. Demonstration of how learning and thinking about
counselling practice developed over this term
6. Evidence of familiarity with relevant counselling literature
and theory
7. Evidence of integration of theory and concepts with
practice in reflective journa
8. Overarching summary of learning journal, including key
learnings and new understandings developed by
undertaking the assignment (500 words)
The Learning Journal Headings will be as follows.
Please refer to the selected readings.
Section 1: What is Counselling
1. Stanard, R. P. (2013). International registry of counsellor education programs: CACREP’s contribution to the development of counseling as a global profession. Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD, 91(1), 55-60.
Section 2: Self-awareness in Counselling
2. Rheta, L. S., Engels, D., & Thweatt, W. T. (2006). Ethical aspects of spirituality in counseling. Counseling and Values, 50(2), 108-118.
3. Wosket, V. (1999). Towards an approach to counselling based on the use of self. In Therapeutic use of self: Counselling practice, research, and supervision (pp. 8-29). London, England: Routledge
Section 3: Attitudes and Values
4. Kelly, J., & Eugene, W. (1995). Counselor values: A national survey. Journal of Counseling & Development, 73(6), 648-653.
Section 4: The Therapeutic Dialogue
5. Swan, L., & Heesacker, M. (2013). Evidence of a pronounced preference for therapy guided by common factors. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 69(9), 869-879.
Section 5: The Counselling Process
6. Hackney, H., & Cormier, S. (2009).
Stages and skills of counseling. In The professional counselor: A process guide to helping (6th ed., pp. 41–63). Boston, MA: Pearson Education.
7. Walsh, C. A., Rutherford, G. E., (Ahosaari) Sarafincian, K. N., & Sellmer, S. E. R. (2010). Making meaning together: An exploratory study of therapeutic conversation between helping professionals and homeless shelter residents. The Qualitative Report, 15(4), 932-947.
Section 6: The First Counselling Session
8. Harms, L. (2007). Establishing a good working relationship. In Working with people: Communication skills for reflective practice (pp. 109–125). Sydney, Australia: Oxford Press.
Section 7: Listening, Silence and Holding
9. Nelson-Jones, R. (2009). Understanding the internal frame of reference. In Introduction to counselling skills: Text and activities (3rd ed., pp. 51–57). London, England: Sage.
Section 8: Accurate Empathy and Responding
10. Gerdes, K., & Segal, E. (2001). Importance of empathy for social work practice: Integrating new science. Social Work, 56(2), 141–148.
Section 9: Summarising and Language and Metaphor
11. Mathieson, L. C., & Hoskins, M. L. (2005). Metaphors of change in the context of eating disorders: Bridging understandings with girls’ perceptions. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 39(4), 260-274.
Section 10: Questions and Common
Mistakes in Counselling
12. Harms, L. (2007). Establishing the story. In Working with people: Communication skills for reflective practice (pp. 129-150). Sydney, Australia: Pearsons Australia.
Section 11: Timing and Closure
13. Robson, M. (2008). Working with a planned ending. In W. Dryden & A. Reeves (Eds). Key issues for counselling in action (pp. 185 – 199). London, England: Sage.