Topic: Feasibility Study

Order Description
Please read the instructions carefully.. Write about Petroleum engineering if it’s required.

Feasibility Study: (2500-3000 words, excluding title page, executive summary, Table of Contents, and Appendix)

Task: You will describe a technical related issue or problem in your field, propose a solution ( or describe a “best practice) and present its feasibility.

A Feasibility Study uses specific criteria to evaluate competing options or solutions to major problems. The goal of the feasibility study is to provide your readers with clear and coherent assessments of the problem, criteria needed to determine the best solution, an overview of benchmark solutions or what other companies have tried, stakeholder concerns, and your final recommendations. The goal is to present data and recommendations in a very objective manner. Your studies should be clearly and logically organized. Your tone should be persuasive as well as informative and you should avoid sounding biased.

You should begin by introducing and summarizing information about a problem (for example, the results of a survey or study, or recent history of a problem) Typically, the introduction might also address the concerns stakeholders may have about the problem itself or current processes in place to fix it. Most writers include a visual (chart, graph, photograph, diagram) to make the problem more clear. Your introduction should also clearly outline your proposed solutions and the best solution or best practice. The rest of the essay will then test the feasibility of that proposal.

You’ll need to make sure that you’re using “layered” research as we’ve talked about before. So, you’ll need to use a variety of sources like: primary, secondary, benchmark and so on to help you introduce the problem and list the possible solutions. Your credibility (Ethos) is important here too, so, as always, you should use credible, peer reviewed sources.
Grading Rubric:
1. Solid and coherent content development for each section. Applies all guidelines for title page, headings, executive summaries, table of contents, Appendix, and sections of main paper.
Obvious in-depth research and appropriate application and integration of different types of sources to achieve a layered style.

2.Recognition and application of Page Design Elements that make it “reader-centered.”
3.Clear topic sentences that drive each paragraph and focus them.
4.Correct, footnote-style documentation and correct use of citation formats.
5.A concise and logical style that shows evidence of research and a handling of the problem and feasibility.
6.Appropriate and Correct references to visuals and at least two Appendices.

Total Worth- 100 points-.

Required Components for Study:

Title Page
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Assessment of Criteria
Possible Solutions(what other companies have tried)
Analysis of these above Solutions
Stakeholder Concerns
Appendix (2)
Reference to at least 2 visuals within body of paper
The following is a list of explanations for each section:

Executive Summary: These are designed for busy and time constrained executives- they should be able to stand on their own and provide a coherent and cohesive summary of the document. The rhetoric should be clear, compelling and non-technical. They should compel the reader’s attention and make the reader want to read the rest of the document. They should be 10% or less than 10% of the length of the entire document.

Introductions: Introduce the problem you’re studying. This section should also list any challenges and/or opportunities for change available. You may use this section to detail the history of the situation, any attempts that have been made to solve this problem, and their success or failure rates.

Assessment of Criteria- This is the section in which you lay out how you will evaluate and judge the possible solutions available. In other words, which criterion are more important than others-prioritize here. Which are deal breakers? Which have more flexibility? (Look at list of Criteria on Moodle in this Unit).

Possible Solutions- Benchmarking (what others have attempted): Have any of these solutions worked or failed? Stakeholder’s main concerns?

Analysis: Which solution(s)seem most practical and feasible? What important criteria do they fulfill? How will this work? Expected outcomes?

Recommendations- final solutions- pros and cons of each one.
The second requirement for this project will be a PowerPoint Presentation.
In no more than 8 slides, you will select one aspect of your final report to compose a PowerPoint. It should not necessarily give an overview of the entire paper, but rather only focus on one specific aspect. PowerPoints should be lively, articulate, and relevant to your project. PowerPoints should make use of appropriate and eye-catching visuals and text without being distracting. PowerPoints will count as 100 points-

This is a total of 200 points for your final project.

Posted in essay.