Order Description
For this assignment, you write a report on “Merchandise for Revenue” for for Clark, Designer of the store website. Clark’s job is to develop quality merchandise that Googlers and the public want and to make sure there is enough supply for the demand. He is interested in new ideas to improve the user experience , so he asks you to answer three questions:
In May 2016, which were the five products that generated highest revenue, and what were the revenue and revenue share of each of the five products?
In May 2016, which were the five days when the revenue was highest and when the revenue was lowest?
in May 2016, which were the five products that generated highest revenue among New Visitors and among Returning Visitors, respectively?
In addition, Clark also wants you to show him two of your most intriguing findings that may help his improvement of the site content, as an additional test of your skills and creativity.
The report should be between 800 and 1000 words, in addition to tables and charts in support of your description, analysis and suggestions. The charts may be screenshots but must be clear and easy to see in detail. You may make your own charts using the information from Google Analytics. All charts must be numbered, titled and referred to in the report. As before, please follow the MLA style.
A good report should present correct data clearly in a table or chart, one question per table or chart, explain the data in text clearly, and make reasonable suggestions based on your explanation for Tony to consider. Report grading criteria include how well the data is presented, how clear the description is, how thoughtful the analysis is, and how reasonable and insightful your suggestions are, as well as how well it follows the MLA style and meets the length requirement.
Other details in attachment