Topic: Organizational effectiveness

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Two articles only will be used in this literature reviews:
1- (Sayareh 2009)
2- (Cetin & Cerit 2010)
Cetin, CK & Cerit, AG 2010, ‘Organizational effectiveness at seaports: a systems approach’, Maritime Policy & Management, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 195-219.

Sayareh 2009, ‘A model for organisational effectiveness (oe) assessment in seaport organisations’, in IAME Annual Conference, pp. 12-14.
1- Comparing, contrast, similarities or different between two articles, how each MODELs created and how has been made.
2- What is the underneath theory for each model.
3- Why these organisational effectiveness criteria are important
4- Please, focus more on the methodology; which method follow? How they used it?

Posted in essay.