Topic: Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows!

Order Description

This assignment will consist in three parts:

FIRST: Oral Presentation
For you presentation choose a text with a literary hero who appeals to you or whom you would like to get to know. Carefully read the text “Sherlock Holmes, A Game of Shadows”, focusing on the nature of this character’s heroism (hero is a relative and case-specific term, so your options are wide open). Then in a 10-15 oral presentation, present this hero to the class:
* Introduce the character;
* briefly summarize the plot of the text;
* explain why this character possesses heroic qualities.
You will also somewhere in the presentation, need to establish your criteria for heroism. As support for your analysis of the character’s heroism, provide **RELEVANT EXAMPLES AND QUOTATIONS FROM THE TEXT AS WELL AS INFORMATION FROM 2-3 SECONDARY SOURCES RELATED** to your hero.

SECOND: The Research Proposal
The purpose of the research proposal is to assist you in generating an argument for you presentation. This proposal should contain a thesis statement and a discussion of how you plan to support that thesis.
BOTH OF THESE ELEMENTS, THE THESIS AND THE DISCUSSION, SHOULD BE AS SPECIFIC AS POSSIBLE. The length of the proposal should be approximately 500 words.

THIRD: Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of the annotated bibliography is a list of potential sources for you presentation and a brief (2-3 sentences), specific summary of each source. The annotated bibliography for this assignment SHOULD CONTAIN 2-3 SOURCES. It should be typed, double-spaced, Times Roman 12 font, using either MLA or APA format.

**P.S.: Mr/Ms writer if you could work with more than one person I would appreciate it because despite its complexity, I need this assignment to be correct, and on time.

Posted in essay.