Topic: The Financial Services industry is riddles with conflicts of interest. Chinese walls do not provide an adequate mechanism for managing such conflict. Discuss

Order Description
Please note that : This is a ( Financial Regulation and Compliance Law ) Dissertation and please do detail research and bibliography well . Chinese walls are used in law firms when one part of the firm representing a party on a deal or litigation is separated from another part of the firm with contrary interests or with confidential information from an adverse party. Under UK law, firm may represent competing parties in a suit, but only in strictly defined situations and when individual fee earners do not act for both sides.[15] In the United States, the use of “Chinese Walls” is no longer permitted except within very narrow exceptions. The American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct (2004) state: “While lawyers are associated in a firm, none of them shall knowingly represent a client when any one of them practicing alone would be prohibited from doing so by Rules 1.7 or 1.9, unless the prohibition is based on a personal interest of the prohibited lawyer and does not present a significant risk of materially limiting the representation of the client by the remaining lawyers in the firm.”[16] Although ABA rules are only advisory, most U.S. states have adopted them or have even stricter regulations in place.
The examiners will be particularly concerned with the following:
The selection of a research topic
The planning of your work
The execution of this plan
The methodology you have adopted
The scope and comprehensiveness of the work
The development of a sustained argument
The illustration of that argument
The handling of contrary arguments and data
The accuracy and reliability of data
The evaluation of sources
Focussed thinking (but in a comprehensive context)
Grasp of specialised concepts/terms
Comprehension of literature
Citation and authority
The recording an d disclosure of sources
Ability to follow advice
A sensible approach

Aims and Objectives
Your aim(s)/objective(s) should always be clear within your introduction and throughout your work. This is vital.

Remember the Dissertation provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to both critically evaluate and analyse an area of law not necessarily formally studied on the LLM Programme.

Ensure your aims reflect this fact and seize this opportunity.

Your title must reflect the content and your content must address your title!

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