TSA Readiness
Paper details:
Choose an agency (current law enforcement or homeland security employer or one you would like to work for) as the guide with which to plan. Identify 5 objectives you would look to test and how you would evaluate the agency (tabletop, functional, or full scale exercise).
Blogs and Journals
Depending on your course, the entire class may participate in a blog, or the blog may be group-based. Journals are private and between you and the instructor only. Approach these activities as (a) an opportunity to reflect upon and apply what you learn each week based on the assigned readings, discussions, and activities, and (b) an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise based on your educational and professional experiences in the past. As a successful professional, you will need good reflective and writing skills. Blog and journal activities offer you the opportunity to further develop these skills. For more information about Blackboard blogs and journals, review these tutorials.
Instructor Feedback: Unless otherwise indicated, the entire portfolio of entries will be given a single summative number grade using the Blog/Journal Rubric.
Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Critical Thinking and Reflection Almost all entries support claims with relevant examples of personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process (23-25) Most of the entries support claims with a relevant examples of personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process (20-22) Some of the entries support claims with a relevant personal experience, previous learning, or logical thought process (18-19) None of the entries support claims with reflection on relevant personal examples (0-17) 25
Integration and Application Almost all entries show excellent depth of knowledge of the module content and exhibit careful consideration of the topic (23-25) Most of the entries show good depth of knowledge of the module content and demonstrate that the student has read the module content (20-22) Some of the entries show limited depth of knowledge, indicating the student may have reviewed the module content but needs to explore further (18-19) None of the entries address the blog prompts and reflect that the student has not read the module content (0-17) 25
Voice Almost all of the entries are written in a style that is appealing and appropriate for the intended audience and a consistent voice is evident throughout (23-25) Most of the entries are written in a style that is generally appropriate for the intended audience and an attempt is made to use a consistent voice (20-22) Some of the entries are written in a style that considers the audience, but the author’s voice is not consistent and difficult to identify (18-19) None of the entries attempt to use a style that considers audience and there is no evidence of author voice (0-17) 25
Writing Almost all of entries are free of errors in organization and grammar (23-25) Most of the entries are free of errors of organization and grammar which are marginal and rarely interrupt the flow (20-22) Some entries contain errors of organization and grammar but are limited enough so that entries can be understood (18-19) None of the entries are free of errors of organization and grammar making the blog difficult to understand (0-17) 25
Earned Total
Comments: 100%