Project: Using Packet Tracer for Small LAN Setup
Consider the network topology shown below. Use the Packet Tracer software to
perform the following tasks:
a. Set up equipment to match the network topology.
b. Configure the IPv4 address, subnet mask, and default gateway address for PCA.
c. Ping the default gateway address from a PC-A command prompt. Were the
pings successful? Why or why not?
d. Configure and enable the G0/1 interface on the router
e. Ping the default gateway address of R1 from PC-A. Were the pings successful?
a. Write down the command you use to display the MAC address for of PC-A. Write
down the MAC address of PC-A. (convert in binary byte separated)
b. What is the MAC address for G0/1 on R1?. (convert in binary byte separated)
c. What is the MAC address for F0/5 and F0/6 on your switch? (convert in binary
byte separated)
Required Resources:
• 1 Router (Cisco 2811)
• 1 Switch (Cisco 2960)
• 1 PC
• Console cables to configure the Cisco devices via the console ports
• Ethernet cables as shown in the topology
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1.Your answers should include images From Packet tracer.
2.Put your Answer file and packet tracer file in a folder named LAB6; Zip
the folder and upload the zipped folder.
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