why are people who don’t have celiac going gluten free?

Research paper on
why are people who dont have celiac going gluten free?

Please refer to the added files I sent with the rubric on it! Also please use reliable websites like mayo clinic and other doctors opinions

1. Your topic – why are people who don’t have celiac going gluten free?
2. Your research question- Why are some people, including celebrities choosing to not eat gluten even if they are not allergic to it? Is gluten ruining our bodies?
3. Your tentative thesis (which should be stated as a claim of fact, value, or policy)- Even here in this small community, you see a lot of different gluten free options, along with normal gluten options. Which way is the best way?
4. Your research plan or description of evidence (in other words, tell me what kinds of sources or evidence you think you’ll have to find in order to prove your claim)- I haven’t really had the chance to really dig deep for this research paper. But I am going to start reading different articles and factual based information from the Mayo Clinic website, plus also researching other doctors opinions on the matter.

Essay 4: Research Project
Your fourth essay assignment is to write a researched, documented essay of approximately 7-8 pages.

I think of this as a research “project” rather than a research “paper” because the process is just as important as the finished product. The goal is to read widely and critically and to pursue an answer to a question that interest you; the finished essay is what demonstrates you can do that. I will provide instructions that are relatively but not microscopically detailed; I will not consider it a bad outcome if you have to figure out a few things on your own or ask a few questions—of me or of a librarian—along the way.

Part 1: Getting Started

Step 1: Choose a Topic

I’d like you to pick a topic that’s broadly related to something we’ve talked about in class.
So think back across the essays we’ve read. Are you interested in bioethics (“The Unnatural Ashley Treatment,” “Supersize Your Child?” “An Unjust Sacrifice”), or food issues (Food Inc., “Consider the Lobster,” Cowspiracy), or something else we’ve read (“The Gay Option,” “Your Toxic Beauty Regime,” “Conscientious Objection in Medicine”)?

On the other hand, if there’s another subject you’re dying to explore, you can certainly ask me about it. (I’m inclined to say yes to something strange that you’re passionate about; I’m inclined to say no to overused topics like abortion, marijuana, and gun control.)

In any case, your first step is to choose a broad topic that interests you.

Step 2: Define a Research Question

Obviously you can’t say everything there is to say about your general topic in a single paper. So the next step is to narrow it down to a research question.

Your research question identifies specifically what you want to discover about your topic. Here’s an example:

Topic: The anti-vaccine movement in the United States.
Research Question: Why are some people, including celebrities, choosing not to vaccinate
their kids against common illnesses like measles, mumps, and whooping cough?

Don’t overthink things at this point. At first, just try to put into words what you find interesting about the topic, or something you’re curious about. After you have a preliminary research question, you should spend some time sharpening it into a topic that you can answer in a college-length paper. Here’s an example:

Sharpened Research Question: Is the anti-vaccine movement a real national threat, or is it
primarily a problem for people who live in places with dense population and many
unvaccinated people?

Or, here’s another example:

Topic: Genetic enhancement in humans.
Research Question: Are the services provided by websites like 23andme.com and
Ancestry.com safe and reliable for consumers to use?
Sharpened Research Question: If consumers learn things about their individual risk for
diseases like cancer from a company like 23andme, do their insurance companies legitimately
have a right to know this information—and potentially deny them coverage or charge them
higher premiums?

And here’s one more:

Topic: Genetically modified food.
Research Question: Why do companies produce genetically modified food?
Sharpened Research Question: Are genetically modified foods necessary to feed the
world now that we live on a planet with 7.4 billion people?

Hopefully you get the picture: start with something general, then try to figure out what specifically interests you. Then try to develop that into something specific and sharp enough that you can provide a clear, strong answer in your essay.

Step 3: Develop a Working Thesis

After defining your research question, you should develop a working thesis, which is also called a “hypothesis” in some fields. It’s your best guess at the moment about the answer to your research question. Try to boil it down to one sentence. Here’s a working thesis for each of the topics above:

Working Thesis: Even here in Illinois, vaccinations are still critical for all children because
illnesses spread quickly over the winter since we spend more time indoors in confined

Working Thesis: Since insurance companies strive to maximize their profits in any way
possible, consumers who receive profiles from genetic screening services need to carefully
guard their right to privacy.

Working Thesis: Because of their resistance to drought and pests, genetically modified
crops are a necessary component for feeding the world in the twenty-first century.

As you do your research, your working thesis will probably change—maybe a little bit, maybe a lot. This is totally fine.

Step 4: Devise a Research Plan

Before you begin collecting evidence to test your working thesis, take some time to sketch out yourresearch plan. Your plan should describe the kinds of evidence, including sources, you will need to answer your research question: do you think you’ll need to find historical statistics, conduct personal interviews, consult scientific journals, etc.?

Part 1 of your research project should identify your topic, your research question, your working thesis, and a description of evidence. It is due on Monday, July 11.

Part 2: Finding Sources and Collecting Evidence

Step 1: Do Start-Up Research

Now that you have your working thesis and research plan, you’re ready to start collecting sources. You should start by doing an hour or so of start-up research, where you just look around and try to get an overall view of your topic, figure out its various sides, and identify the kinds of sources available. Here are some good ways to do start-up research.

Search the Internet. Put your research question or its keywords into Google. (Or some other search engine.) Jot down notes about the kids of evidence you find. Identify some of the major issues and people involved with your topic and take note of any key sources of evidence that you might want to look up later. Bookmark any websites that seem especially useful.

Spend just about an hour on your start-up research. The goal at this point is just to get an overall sense of your topic, not form your final opinion. Keep your options open.

Step 2: Start a Works Cited File

Set up a file on your computer that holds a working bibliography of the sources you find. Each time you find a useful source, add it to your Works Cited file in MLA format
Step 3: Conduct Detailed Research

From your start-up research you should have a sense of where the good stuff is—or might be. So start investigating. Read widely and deeply. This should actually be kind of fun; you chose this topic, after all, so it should be interesting to find out what other people have said, thought, or discovered about it.

Collect evidence in whatever way works best for you—cutting and pasting to a Word file, taking actual notes, printing and highlighting, using note cards, etc. (If you’re not sure which method works best for you, try a couple of them out.) And add MLA-style citations of each source to your Works Cited file. In the end you should probably have around ten sources.

Part 2 of your research project should include a Works Cited file of at least five sources in MLA format. It is due on Monday, July 18.

Part 3: Writing the Essay

Step 1: Figure Out How You Want to Organize Your Essay

The specific structure of your essay will vary depending on your content, but no matter what you’ll begin with an introduction that culminates in a thesis (which may be similar to or different from the working thesis you created in Step 1), and you’ll end with a conclusion that restates your main point and stresses the importance of your subject one final time. What happens between those two paragraphs is up to you, but here are some common patterns of organization:

Issues. Divide your information into 2-5 major issues surrounding your topic. Specifically, pay attention to issues on which people tend to disagree. List the major points that people often discuss when they consider this topic.

Chronological. Divide your information into 2-5 historical time periods (e.g., 1980s, 1990s, 2000s; past understandings of the topic, current understandings, future research). Then arrange your information by sorting out what happened in each time period.

Argumentation. Divide your information into three categories: (1) Review of the facts. (2) Discussion of how others, especially people with opposing views, interpret the facts. (3) Discussion of how you and people who agree with you interpret the facts.

Step 2: Use Your Research

It’s no secret that you need to use your sources to back up your claims and statements. But you shouldn’t just write your opinion and then sprinkle in a few citations to make it look like you did research. That’s gross. Use quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing to support your argument and to show you’re an expert on your subject. (You should be, by now!) Talk to me or a librarian—or consult your textbook—if you aren’t how to do this right.

Step 3: Write a Rough Draft, Then Revise and Edit

Grading and Other FAQs

Length. You’re shooting for 7-8 pages, not including the Works Cited, in a standard 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins all around and no shenanigans with the spacing. This is about how much space you need to do justice to a good research question.

Critical Response. Do you seem to understand the basic concepts of the assignment? Have you followed all the steps and turned in all the components?

Focus. Do you have a strong, clear thesis which you then go on to argue effectively?

Organization. Is the structure of your essay clear and logical?

Development. Do you support your argument effectively, making good use of your research, as well as of your own logic and emotional appeals?

Style. Do you show clear command over MLA style?

Mechanics. Is the essay relatively error-free in terms of spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.?

Style. This essay should be written for a wide, college-educated audience in a formal tone of voice. Remember that as the writer, it is your responsibility to explain your ideas clearly and specifically to your reader.

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